Dear ladies... dah lama sangat x guna blog ni... OK now want to introduces our stuff... we sell ladies apparels - blause, handbag, shoes n etc and also we sell accesories as our handmade..Beside taht kami juga ada menjual biskut since near Hari raya. Pada sesiapa yang nak jana extra income jadi dropship pon bole. thanks
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Everybody has a social creature inside them. Find out what berry are you today! #digiwhatberry
Be like Yuna...Discover Blueberry...Berry inside my mind
Want a free test drive session-DRIVE EXORA? Yes! #allaboutexora is here to provide you space & comfort!
Everyone have their own dream....one of them to have A CAR....wanna have free ride for EXORA...let try it now....
klik below...
MUM–Luv U So Much.Happy Mother's Day.Bring your mom & join the "Mom on FB" contest. #MomOnSummitFB
Mother Is the most amazing Person In my Life...Luv Her So Much..MOTHER'S Day is coming....let join this contest and create wonderful memories with her...
OMG! I don't want my friends to overtake me in the #Churp2race! Join me and rev up together!
Here's your chance to win 2 days to live life like a millionaire & all you need is to solve riddles. Try now! #NEXTMoneytree
wah akhirnye slamat William and Kate kawin....wah best nye dorang nye wedding....
mesti semua orang pernah bermimpi or maybe ade impian nak jadi kaya....
sekarang grab a chance for make it real...yesd...grab it...anda berpeluang memenangi 2 hari hidup seperti jutawan...WOW...walaupon juz 2days...memang anda xboleh lepaskan...yelah siape yg nak bagi peluang emas mcam ni....so cepat klik link kt bwh ni...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Jom tengok samade you’re living a healthy lifestyle? Take a profile test to a journey of self-discovery and improvement. #NestleProfiler
Ladies....Pernah x korang semua terpikir macam mane nak balancekan life korang...yelah especially ladies...siang kerja...malam pulak Kerja(yelah buat kerja rumah) ....bila kita dah bekerja...dah tentu balik rumah penat...dengan kerenah & telatah comey n nakal anak kite...hurm...bak kate org bile tengok anak hilang rase penat...hehehe...kite menjaga makan , pakaian, kebersihan, kesihatan...dan jadi cikgu dirumah...bukan shaje jage anak..bagi yg dah berumah tangga dah tentu kne jaga suami kan...hurm...kadang2 sampai xsempat nak jaga diri sendri....slalu jage orang sampai diri kite sendiri x dijaga..hehe...nestle ade jawapan untuk balancekan work n health...
Thanks so much to Nestle, kite boleh buat profiler test to a journey of self-discovery untuk memajukan diri kite sendiri. Discover a few simple truths and build towards a healthier and balanced lifestyle. Take the Nestle Wellness Profiler Test harini...jangan tunggu lama to find out if you’re an Advocate, an Investor, a Manager or a Hopeful and gain valuable insights to your approach towards nutrition and health. sekarangla mase untuk start of a new year, and to a healthier you! Jom bantu kawan anda to achieve a balanced lifestyle too and share with dorang hari ni juga....! jangan fikir panjang...juz klik link kat bwh ni....promote kengkawan korang tuk amik test ni juga yea...
Want to find out if you’re living a healthy lifestyle? Take a profile test to a journey of self-discovery and improvement. #NestleProfilerJom tengok samade you’re living a healthy lifestyle? Take a profile test to a journey of self-discovery and improvement. #NestleProfiler
Ladies....Pernah x korang semua terpikir macam mane nak balancekan life korang...yelah especially ladies...siang kerja...malam pulak Kerja(yelah buat kerja rumah) ....bila kita dah bekerja...dah tentu balik rumah penat...dengan kerenah & telatah comey n nakal anak kite...hurm...bak kate org bile tengok anak hilang rase penat...hehehe...kite menjaga makan , pakaian, kebersihan, kesihatan...dan jadi cikgu dirumah...bukan shaje jage anak..bagi yg dah berumah tangga dah tentu kne jaga suami kan...hurm...kadang2 sampai xsempat nak jaga diri sendri....slalu jage orang sampai diri kite sendiri x dijaga..hehe...nestle ade jawapan untuk balancekan work n health...
Thanks so much to Nestle, kite boleh buat profiler test to a journey of self-discovery untuk memajukan diri kite sendiri. Discover a few simple truths and build towards a healthier and balanced lifestyle. Take the Nestle Wellness Profiler Test harini...jangan tunggu lama to find out if you’re an Advocate, an Investor, a Manager or a Hopeful and gain valuable insights to your approach towards nutrition and health. sekarangla mase untuk start of a new year, and to a healthier you! Jom bantu kawan anda to achieve a balanced lifestyle too and share with dorang hari ni juga....! jangan fikir panjang...juz klik link kat bwh ni....promote kengkawan korang tuk amik test ni juga yea...
Want to find out if you’re living a healthy lifestyle? Take a profile test to a journey of self-discovery and improvement. #NestleProfilerMonday, March 14, 2011
Nak menang hadiah yg menarik? jom daftar Digi,pasti akan xkn lepaskn peluang emas ni #DiGiSuperReload
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
♥Tudung/Shawl♥CODE:SSWB♥Selendang Swirls Wooden Beads♥
yg ni corak die lain dari yg lain...jom tgk...ade manik juga..
yg ni memang lembut dan sgt selesa dipakai
yg ni memang lembut dan sgt selesa dipakai
♥Selendang Swirls Wooden Beads♥
1. White
2. Grey
3. Blue
4. Purple
5. Pink
6. Light Brown
7. Brown
8. Cream
9. Black
ni la contoh color yg ade
foto selendang yg dipakai
pandangan sisi
close up view...tgk manik selendang ni
tgk corak kain dia..cantik kan
♥PRICE: RM 35♥
♥Tudung/Shawl♥CODE:SGPR♥Selendang Gypsy Putri Ruby♥
yg ni special cket selendang die ade batu warna-warni kat ujung selendang...ade byk color...yg mane suke sesuatu yg berlainan meh la try yg ni..yg ana style ala ala arab..
♥Selendang Gypsy Putri Ruby♥
♥Code: SGPR♥
Color (sume warna-warni I jus state yg Few color each- sila rujuk pic bwh skali ye):
1.Dark Green Sky Blue + Red
2. Yellow + Orange + Sky Blue
3. Soft Blue + Yellow + Black
4. Pink + Purple + Yellow
5. Black + Pink + Blue
6. Yellow+ Pink + Light Green
7. Brown + Green + Orange
8. Red + Pink + Maroon
9. Black + Grey
10.Orange + Yellow + Pink
view bile dipakai
gambar manik..cantikkan
yg ni contoh color selendang warna warni...
sume color mcm color pelangi dear...
yg bawah ni view color yg de k...seperti ditulis diatas..
♥PRICE: RM 28♥
♥Anak Tudung♥CODE:ATBS♥ Anak tudung Butterfly Scallop♥
yg ni anak tudung lain dr yg lain...kalo pki ni...U can just wear simple selendang pon boleh dear...
♥Anak tudung Butterfly Scallop♥
yg ni contoh kite pakai dgn selendang...nice sgt
yg ni vie anak tudung saja
Color: Black
Color: Light Brown
Color: Purple
Color: Maroon
Color: Grey+Black
Color: Sky Blue
Color: Red
Color: Grey + White
Color: Pink
Color: Cream
Color: Blue
Color: Dark Brown
♥PRICE: RM17 ♥
♥Anak Tudung♥CODE:AT3L♥ Anak tudung 3 line batu♥
yg ni kain Lycra Jersey, memang sejuk n serap peluh...selesa sgt...siap ade manik tau..cantik sgt
♥Anak tudung 3 line batu♥
1. Soft Blue
4. Red
5. Pink
6. Dark Brown
7.Soft Pink
8. Cream
9.Soft Brown
yg ni contoh color yg ade
yg ni pic kalo kite pakai
pandangan sisi
♥PRICE: RM 16♥
♥Anak Tudung♥CODE:ATA n ATB♥ Anak tudung Arabia n Anak tudung Biase♥
bile I dh start jual tudung ade yg tanye anak tudung I xjual kew...so I pon ade amik few stock...
♥Anak tudung Biase♥
1. Black
4. Dark blue
5. Grey
6. Red
7. Maroon
8. Yellow
9. Cream
10. Green
11. Light Green
13. Soft Purple
14. Orange
yg ni view dipakai
♥Anak Tudung Arabia♥
T1. Brown + Soft Brown
T2. Pink + Grey
T3. Black + Green
T4. Red + Brown
T5. Dark Purple + Light Purple
T6. Black + Sky Blue
T7. Pink + Black
T8. White + Grey
T9. Black + Pink
T10. Soft Pink + Grey
T11. Cream + Pink
T12. Whit + Black
T13. Red + Grey
T14. Soft Brown + Maroon
T15. Red + Black
T16. Grey + Maroon
T17. Cream + Maroon
T18. White + Black
19. Orange + Red
macam ni rupa bila dipakai
♥PRICE: RM 18 ♥
♥Tudung/Shawl♥CODE:SP1♥Sifon Pelangi♥
Yg ni selendang pelangi...sesuai pki utk sume color
♥Selendang Sifon Pelangi♥
2.Black + White
3.Pink + Purple
4.Orange + Blue
5. Blue + Red
yg ni view kalo koreg pki selendang pelangi ni
♥Price: RM 18♥
tHi ni selendang terbaru kami...cantik...
6.Dark brown
8.Light Blue
pandangan sisi
pandangan sisi
kain sebenar
♥PRICE: RM 30♥
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
♥♥LK878(Beige/Black)♥♥New PRE-ORDER 2nd Bacth until 13/3/11♥
This one xde heels...jus like a sandle shoes......siap ade manik2 gitu...dari jauh orang lain boleh nampak U...cantik....
♥Price = RM 58♥
-cantik kan bile dipakai-
-pandangan atas-
♥LK878 (Black)♥
-side view-
-pandangan atas-
♥LK878 (Black)♥
-please specified your size(cm)-
♥♥LK871(Gold/Black)♥♥New PRE-ORDER 2nd Bacth until 13/3/11♥
hi....yg ni memang cantik sgt...very beautiful ladies...jom tgk...yg ni memang berkilau2 gitu...
sesuai untuk dipakai dlm majlis formal...very daring gitu...
but most important think to tell U gurls....artificial flower could be remove...
sama ade depan or tepi...depend on my supplier dear...but still cantik....
ok...this onekt tumit die pon memang cantik....jom tengok...
♥♥Price = RM 58♥♥
♥♥Code: LK871(Black)♥♥
♥♥Code: LK871(Gold)♥♥
- yang bawah ni pandangan sisi and tapak kasut...cantik kan...-
yg ni foto bile kite pakai....
Monday, February 28, 2011
Lunch hour! Grab your colleagues and grab 3 Texas Ted for only RM10 from #1901 . Deal offered only at #MilkADeal
Stock Clearance...Hurry Up
Hello beautiful adies...panghabisan stock...juz grab it...yuhoo...biasela...sape x suke sale...korang ingt juz ujung tahun jew ade sale...hehehe ni ujung bulan pon kami ade wat sale tau...don worry...1st pyment 1serve dear...
sebut pasal sale...hurm...igt lagi mase sale kt parkson...hush rambang mata sgt2...sume rasenye nk beli...nak kongsi cerita dgn kowg sumela...
1st pergi parkson...hurm...punye teketar lutut..selama ni nk cr sluar yg saiz I punye susah yelah dh tinggi sgtkan...pastu bile jumpa kat parkson jew trus I grab anything then try...byk btol yg muat...n nice plak tuh...wa....mase tu plak memang kene time gaji(huhuh abih duit aku)....tapi jus beli cket hurm dlm...erm ade la beberape helai...huhuh...pastu kan...
I pegi lg pas dpt bonus...dari discount 50% i dpt beli few sluar 70%...jus untuk beberapa hari jew...hahaha...lagi bertambahla koleksi I...hehehe...I faham...sume org memg suke sale...jadi kmi decide tuk wat sale...yela nak abihkan stock kat tgn nih...jom tgk ape yg tinggal...
murah jew...hehehe....tapi xdew la discount yg I nak bagi ni sampi 70% hehehe..
Maybe next time ye dear...jus wait for it hehehe...
L023 - blue
♥Just only RM28♥
L025 - black
♥Just only RM27♥
L039 - pink
♥Just only RM24♥
L046 - black
♥Just only RM27♥
L090 - white
L079 - black + pink
♥Just only RM30♥
L006 - white
♥Just only RM25♥
L007 - purple
♥Just only RM25♥
L034 - black
♥Just only RM30♥
L040 - white
♥Just only RM24♥
Jom beli...HapPy SHopPing DeAr.....TQVM
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